Pin type horizontal bead mill is suitable for SC production because of its large productivity and very good particle size distribution.There are following grinding chambers of bead mill for option:1.6 Litres, 6 Litres, 10 Litres, 25 Litres, 60 Litres, 150 Litres.This kind construction bead mill has
Degold explored and designed pin type horizontal bead mills.The model is ZM-K. There are 2 liters, 6 liters, 10 liters, 25 liters, 60 liters, 150 liters volumes.Pin type bead mill is equipped with static screen gap separator with large output areas, so as to ensure pin type bead mill has large produ
ZM0.3 and ZM0.3B laboratory bead mills are easy to operate for R&D formulations. They are also disc type sand mills. The sizes reduction result is reliable for large scale production. Following photo was given from one of our buyer. He is very satisfied about this laboratory bead mill.
We met our customer from Poland from CAC2013 show during 26-28th, Feb in Shanghai, China. We took our ZM0.3 lab bead mill and ZM30 horizontal bead mill to this show. ZM0.3 is the bead mill for the agrochemical materials wet grinding testing. And ZM30 is 30 liters bead mill for the large scale produc
We have signed the contract with the buyer from Agentina about the horizontal bead mill and silicate zirconium beads on 17, July, 2013.This is the first time we cooperate with the customer from Agentina.The customer is involved into the pesticide production. The horizontal bead mill is choosen for t