Coatings For Africa 2018 will be held during 29-31, May, 2018 at Johannesburg in South Africa. Welcome you visit our booth at H09 to get the wet grinding technology.
Degold has got the latest CE certificate of the FS series high speed dispersers.High speed disperser is widely used for premixing in the chemical industry.Its application including the paints, inks, pigments, pesticide, mineral, non-metal mineral etc. industries.We provide different constructions op
High Speed Disperser is used for premixing step of paints, inks, pigments etc. production. It is used for mixing raw materials first before using horizontal bead mill to reduce the particle size.ChinaDegold produces hydraulic lifting type high speed dispersers which are suitable for water based form
1. Running the high speed disperser with slow speed at the beginning to mix the raw mateirals.2. Increase the speed step by step to reach 20m/s velocity speed to disperse the materials. Please avoid choose so highest speed to avoid the materials splash from the container. At the same time, opera
Saw shaped round dispersion disc is rotating in the container/cylinder with a high speed to finish the mixing of liquid and solid mateirals, humidification and dispersion.1) The circulated paints pigments materials generate whirlpool in the container, so the particle on the surface of the pigment wi